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Carly BarkerJul 13, 2022 12:00:00 AM5 min read

5 Reasons Why Managing Your Own Social Media is Holding You Back

A strong social media presence is crucial for your brand and long-term business success. This is no longer optional, it’s a crucial way to gain insights, reach your customer’s and grow your brand. The biggest mistakes most businesses make is they do not delegate this soon enough.

This prevents the business owner from operating in their zone of genius and ultimately holds them back from earning money. There are a lot of hats you have to wear as a business owner and one of the first hats you should offload and delegate is your social media marketing. Believe it or not, there’s no secret sauce to exploding your business. There is only a commitment to your brand awareness, so the best thing you can do is overdeliver content on as many platforms as possible.

When it comes to building an influential and global brand, content is the name of the game. Gary Vaynerchuk always says, "scale the unscaleable to break through the noise." While this requires a lot of your time, it will guarantee amplified brand recognition.

When you delegate your social media you will impact your audience, stand out, stay at the top of mind and position your brand for long-term success. Nobody here to do big things can do them all alone and that’s why it’s so important to build a strong team to help you.

There are a couple of main reasons why managing your own social media can be holding you back:

  1. Keeps you working “IN” the business instead of “ON” the business
  2. You're not converting clients
  3. You're not standing out as a thought leader
  4. Missing market insight
  5. Fear will stand in your way of success

This is just a little summary of what might be holding you back while you’re managing your own social media, and before making a case for potentially outsourcing this effort, I want to take the time to explain the reasons why you should hire a social media marketing team.

Managing your own social media keeps you working “IN” the business instead of “ON” the business

What I mean by this is that when you’re worrying - or not worrying about your engagements and planning out your content, that’s a lot less focus being put on working on your business. Managing a business is hard enough when you need to constantly evolve and adapt how you’re giving value to your clients. Brand visibility is important, and how your business does social media informs your clients of your voice and passions that in turn, gives them the confidence to want to work with you or consume your product - whichever might apply. Instead of spending time thinking about, “what should I even post today?!” Your time is better spent innovating, nurturing and meeting with prospects to grow your revenue.

Conversely leads us to…

Not being able to use social media to convert your audience into clients

There’s nothing more discouraging when you feel like you’re doing it all on social media but your effort is not converting into clients. That’s why delegating your efforts to a talented team that focuses on consistency, attention and conversion is key to your success. This strategy combined with you working on the business is proven to be successful.

Having a good social media presence is strategic to growing your brand by investing in your visibility, community-fostering, and credibility building as you balance free valuable content and offer more premium-value content in your business. With a team by your side, you will be able to focus on leaving a massive impact while your income grows with ease.

You're not standing out as a thought leader on social media

Part of creating a brand is knowing how to distinguish yourself as a part of your niche and then further standing out from fellow creators in that niche. This is usually one of the greatest challenges my clients have when they come to me.

I’ve already briefly mentioned the delicate dance of balancing your free insights and more premium coaching or product offering, and not utilizing your social media to further yourself as a credible figure can really dampen your business’s growth. You need to be able to create that balance - develop enough free content to entice your target audience, and then manage to ease them into customers based on the value you can give them. When you work with us on your social media, in the first month we will design two free offers for you, build the landing pages and get these offers in the hands of your audience. This not only expands your following but also grows your email list. Book a call here to learn more.

Setting yourself apart as a key thought leader is necessary for business success - that includes your brand’s social media presence and overdelivering value so you stand out.

You’re missing some key social media market insights

The social media landscape changes both in small and large waves and if the trends are any indicator, it can be really difficult to both break out online, and then stay relevant.

Social media management teams and their managers treat this ever-changing landscape as their bread and butter, often developing strategies to keep up while being in the thick of it.

Understanding industry-specific analytics, visual design trends, and strategic content messaging is just the tip of the iceberg for these experts, and most of us just don’t have the same technological know-how to have these kinds of information available when - or if, we have the time to post.

With all of these factors and potential vulnerabilities, decision overwhelm is inevitable and it might spiral into…

Fear standing in the way of your social media success

I want to help quiet the fear and remind you that you don’t have to do all of this alone. While some people have managed to develop their business’s social media by themselves, the level of success can vary depending on the nature of their business, to begin with.

If you absolutely have the time on top of the regular business management needs to put in the work of planning and researching the kind of content that can single you out as a credible thought leader and be able to convert your audience into paying customers then good for you! You can check out other resources I have for the already social-media-savvy business owner.

But for the ones that - very understandably, can’t quite keep up with this ever-shifting digital landscape, then you’ll be relieved to know that you can confidently outsource your social media marketing with our done-for-you services.

Your social media should not be holding you back from growing and improving your business - in fact, these two pillars should be working to support each other’s growth.